Thursday, March 1, 2012


Ramsey had his first hair cut! He didn't like wearing the cape, but he handled it well! Honestly, he doesn't look much different in the before and after pics, but considering he had a 1" mullet since his ultrasound pics, I think it was long overdue. (Not to mention the comb-over)

Today, we are featuring our first child on our new Facebook page, Rooting for a Reason. Adison is a beautiful 8 year old with a heart of gold. Read more about her at Rooting for a Reason and be sure to offer her some encouraging words! While you're there, don't forget to "LIKE" our page.


  1. He looks quite handsome!! :-)

  2. That's so stinkin' cute. Samuel needs one too but I just can't do it yet. :)

