Saturday, January 19, 2013

Terrific Two's

Ramsey turned two on January 12! Like every day since we knew he was a survivor, we spent it feeling blessed and extremely thankful for both of our boys. Reed also had a birthday; he turned 5 on December 16. We celebrated their birthdays together this year, with a New Year's Day/Birthday Celebration.
A giant balloon "ball drop" was filled with candy surprises.

Grandparents (and Aunt Veta) having fun in their glasses LOL!

At a recent gathering (following my dear Aunt Doris's funeral), the boys had the chance to play a little basketball and to run to their hearts content. Surprisingly, all of that activity had little effect on Ramsey's breathing. Take that CDH and Asthma! To me, this picture taken that day says it all...there's nothing stopping our little guy! He's got high hopes...

He even got to meet his CDH supercousin, Tyler. Finally, the family hero's met!

Ramsey loves trying on everything in site. We're talking shoes, hats, gloves, headphones, safety goggle, and yes, even toy kitchen tongs.

We love our two terrific boys!



  1. Happy birthday, Ramsey!!! Love these pictures, Lisa. The basketball one made me well up - so beautiful - but the one with the kitchen tongs on his face came along just in time to save me from the ugly cry. That is hilarious. Congrats on your two amazing boys. Your family is very special to us.
    Corinne (and Sam)

  2. Lisa....
    I just discovered your Blog. I, too was born with a diaphragmatic hernia, among other birth defects. I am now 29 years old. I love, love, love to write!! And, I enjoy singing. It sets my soul free somehow. People say that I am good.... ;)
    Ramsey is adorable!! Beautiful in more ways than one. No, wait. As my phrase goes, he is Beautifully Unique!! ;-D
    I will be praying for Ramsey's continued good health!! ;)
    Keep posting. I want to watch Ramsey grow up!! ;-D
    "I (we) shouldn't be alive... unless it were for a reason." ~Tony Stark
