Thursday, December 30, 2010

January 12!

We now have a plan to induce January 12...if we make it that far. I have to stop taking the procardia that keeps me from contracting next Tuesday so there will be a week in between that and Jan. 12. My next appointment is next Thursday.

Ramsey now weighs 5.5 lbs which is great news! His LHR is over 1 and there are no signs of distress.  I am dilated about 2.5 cm (a little less than we thought) so the doctor said that buys us 20 more minutes of travel time - lol. He said I could have been 3 cm when I was contracting.

Looks like we'll be meeting Ramsey very soon :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

36 Weeks!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!! I enjoyed Reed's 3rd birthday and Christmas and was so thankful to celebrate them at home.

We made it one month since I first went into labor! Yay for Ramsey! As long as he weighs 5 lbs or more, the doctors will be comfortable delivering him now.  (The heart/lung bybass machine called ECMO requires an infant to be 5 lbs. but we're hoping we won't need this machine). Thursday at 10:45 is our next appointment. I will update after that!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 21 Appointment

Sorry, I'm a couple days behind on my detailed update that I promised...who knew I could be so busy on bed rest! Tuesday marked 35 weeks. I will continue to take the prescription that prevents labor for two more weeks. At that point, we will discuss a plan to induce...possibly at 38 weeks. I hope I make it that far- I can't believe it has been 3 weeks since the premature labor started! If we can't make it that far (and I hope we DO), I'm thinking baby new year would be OK!

During Tuesday's appointment, they did a non-stress test and something called a biophysical profile (BPP).  Ramsey scored 10 out of 10 on the basically checks for any signs of distress, amniotic fluid levels, etc and is similar to an ultrasound. The non-stress test monitors contractions and the baby's heart rate. I had a few contractions during that, and I was so afraid they would keep me and I would miss Christmas, but everything looked normal.

At our next appointment, next Thursday, they will do a complete ultrasound and measurements. I think that covers it.

I wish each of you a Merry Christmas! Let's all remember the true meaning of Christmas, and cherish every moment we can share with those we love!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Todays appt. went well.

Todays appt. went well. We'll return next Thursday for our next appt. I'll post more details tonight.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tomorrow is 35 weeks!

I'm happy to say I am still home, still resting and tomorrow will mark 35 weeks. I am so thankful for each day/week that goes by and relieved that we have made it this far. Hopefully we can make it a few more weeks! I have an appointment tomorrow with my OB- I hope there is no news to report, because at this stage, I believe no news is definitely good news. Looking forward to (hopefully) spending Christmas Day with family!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

At Home

It's so good to be home! Funny how different my own house looked after being gone for two weeks.

We're so thankful for the help of our family and friends. We couldn't do this without them, especially our mothers who have already been a great help watching Reed and doing whatever they can to keep me resting. We have plenty of volunteers to watch Reed, to cook, shop, or whatever it takes to help us out and we appreciate every offer.

A few people have questioned why we had the amnio done. The amnio was completed to rule out any chromosomal issues that are common in CDH babies. They could have discovered anything ranging from Down's Syndrome to more severe problems that could have indicated a zero percent chance of survival. The surgeons at Children's highly recommended the amnio to rule out any of those life-threatening problems...if that had been the case, they would have known that surgery wasn't an option. So, while we still face the certainty that Ramsey will be born needing immediate care to treat his CDH, we thank God that the amnio didn't reveal any additional problems.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm Discharged!

13 days later, I am finally headed home. I've been told to only get up to use the bathroom, shower and eat...this should be fun. I can't wait to be home and especially to see Reed. I'm looking forward to lots of cuddle time tonight!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hot off the Press

The amnio came back normal!!! I feel like everything is going our way right now. I hope this continues well beyond his delivery and surgery. So thankful for answered prayers :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm Coming Home

I am being discharged Wednesday, once the snow storms have passed. They want me to continue resting and hope that I can make it to 36 weeks. (Tomorrow is the start of 34 weeks.) I am less afraid than what I thought I would be about the prospect of being discharged. I do worry about the long drive once I am in labor, especially since it's winter. But, it's good to know I can always go to my local OB if I have any concerns. Also, if the weather should be bad, or the contractions come too quickly, I can always go to Westmoreland and have them bring me to West Penn by lifeflight or ambulance. I just have to trust that everything will work out.

I am so glad I'll be home in time for Reed's birthday on Thursday! Hopefully I'll make it to Christmas too! 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Outside my Window

Outside my window, there may be bad things- like shootings, (thank goodness no one was seriously hurt), but there are good things too. I see a church steeple and find comfort each time the bells ring. And just a few blocks away, I can view the colorful exterior of Children's Hospital. It's strange, knowing that sometime soon, Ramsey will be born and will taken there, to a place still within my view. I hope seeing the building nearby will be at least a small comfort until I can join him there.

I'm happy to have complete internet access! Blogging by phone just wasn't for me. As you know, I had a Fetal MRI and Amnio last Thursday which ultimately kept here at West Penn Hospital. We are still awaiting the results of the amnio. I hate that it sent me into premature labor, but it was highly recommended that I have it so I can't say that I have any regrets. I believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe its reason was to keep me here where I'm well cared for and resting.

The MRI showed the right lung to have 60-70% volume. That sounded encouraging to me, especially since that was done at 32 weeks and there is still time for further development. The LHR is up to about 1.1; also a good number. The left lung was still unclear. I hope that the people at Children's will have better luck detecting it, or at least telling me if that is common. I assume that it's pretty common, since the stomach and other tissues that have herniated are blocking it. I'm not sure how that affects his chances, but I do know of adults who lived with only one lung. Also, when I went into labor, they chose to give me two shots of steroids to encourage his lungs to grow- I would guess that had a positive effect on things.

Dennis and I enjoyed "date night" tonight (takeout and a movie). I never thought I'd have a date in a hospital, but there's a first time for everything :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

So much 4 staying "boring".

So much 4 staying "boring".
My contractions that started while watching the "crime scene" have finally stopped!

Just watched a shooting out

Just watched a shooting out my window. heard about 10 shots then watched 3 guys running down the st. they just put a body in an ambulance.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Another good day. Ramsey weighs

Another good day. Ramsey weighs about 4 lbs...1 more lb to our goal weight! We might have the amnio results tomorrow. praying for good news!

Thankful wed. was uneventful. Thanks

Thankful wed. was uneventful. Thanks 2 all for prayers/comments. hope 2 have FB access soon! here's 2 another good day!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Stay Boring" Who knew it

"Stay Boring"
Who knew it would ever be good to hear those words! Everything is going good so I'm happy to be considered a boring patient!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The contractions started 2 subside

The contractions started 2 subside before i even took my pill. Your prayers helped!

Please pray with me for

Please pray with me for contracting to stop. Almost time for my pill (now taken every 4 hours instead of 6) and still having contractions...ugh!

My meds are being increased

My meds are being increased 2 prevent contracting...they were every 5 minutes last night.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday update Dr. is keeping

Monday update
Dr. is keeping me another week. Atleast we'll be in good hands! Will have access to blog and facebook soon.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Will see my OB tomorrow

Will see my OB tomorrow and possibly go home. Contractions I'm having are within the normal range. Got 2 see Reed today :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

No news is good news.

No news is good news. Baby & I are still doing well. Wish I could update more about our last appt but this phone limits my message.

Continued from last message...

... blogging by cell is not easy. anyway, they'll keep me here a couple more days.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Nothing new 2 report!

Nothing new 2 report!

Ramsey is still doing well.

Ramsey is still doing well. hoping 2 ease off the magnesium and switch 2 med. 4 contractions. will stay atleast through sunday or monday.

Still at 3 cm. hardly

Still at 3 cm. hardly any contractions.

Brought to labor and delivery.

Brought to labor and delivery. dilated 3 cm...was given magnesium and the contractions stopped! dennis is on his way back. pray .

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hello from West Penn I'm

Hello from West Penn
I'm being kept overnight to rule out labor...due 2 contractions and dilated one centimeter. praying to stay pregnant!