Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Early Intervention

Ramsey had his early intervention evaluation and it went really well! They rated him according to 5 developmental categories. He scored above average in three of the categories, and just below in two others. He qualifies for physical therapy based on one of the latter, his gross motor skills. They will work with him, probably one day a week to help him lift his head and loosen his neck and shoulders a bit. Also, they suggested he might benefit from a helmet to correct his flat spot on the back of his head.  This would need to be done soon in order to correct it before he turns one, when the bones harden. I am happy that he scored so well and feel that any therapy they can provide can only help him. The case will be open for a year, so if he should need any future help or additional services, they can add them on.


  1. Well this is my third attempt to post.
    YAHA Ramsey !!!! I new you would have a good evaluation , no surprise to me because you have surprised everyone since the day you were born.
    Love You,
    Gram Razza

  2. Read this before, but didn't comment as I already knew it all. After spending Father's Day with the family, I must say that I do think he is the happiest little boy I've ever seen. Such smiles and laughs coming from him...you know he is our MIRACLE FROM GOD!!!!

  3. I can't believe it but I am finally able to post a comment. I check Ramseys site a couple times a week, always hopeing for more good news. Ramsey is one of Gods great mysteries and I'm sure he will continue to be an example of his everlasting love.
    There is so much I would love to say but we just need to look at his face to see Gods grace and love. Enough said!!!!!!
