Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Afternoon Update

Ramsey was very alert around lunch time (I'm telling you, that boy never wants me to eat - lol). I snapped a photo without the flash while his eyes were open. I think he will have his dad's dark eyes! He was given a little sedation since he was so alert and somewhat uncomfortable. He is still looking good! He had two blood transfusions today, and was given lasiks. They are sure working because his diaper was fuller than I've ever seen it! His areterial line came out yesterday. It lasted much longer than expected. Now, they have to prick his heel since it's gone, but he seems to be tolerating that OK.


  1. I am so happy I can't what to meet little Ramsey! I love the picture he is so sweet.

    Jessica Evon

  2. He is beautiful!!!!! I can't wait to hold him and give him kisses. I am so happy for you. God is still taking care of him and you.

  3. Happy to see his eyes!!! Looking Good!!

  4. Awe! I love this picture! I can't wait 'til we can hold him!!!

  5. Look at that adorable little guy! So happy to be reading these positive updates. GO Ramsey!!!
